Be Astute


 We know there is a balance to be struck between not having enough staff, and compromising on the quality of the people you employ.

 How’s your staff turnover?  The UK average is about 15%.

 Did you know that when we compromise in our recruitment process we can unintentionally:

  • Reduce the respect our staff have for our leadership abilities?

  • Reduce their productivity

  • Impact customer service levels

  • Increase workplace stress

This is all on top of the costs involved in recruiting and training more people than you need to.

What Can We Do About It? 

We are not a recruitment agency, but we are trained to use the brilliant Harrison Assessments psychometric talent diagnostics.  They can be deployed in any recruitment process – not matter how formal or informal, and make a big impact.

The research shows that if we enjoy more than 75% of the tasks and interactions which make up our job, we can be 4 times more successful.  That is a huge potential performance improvement.  And happier staff also tend to stick around a lot longer, and are much easier to live with.

So we focus on work enjoyment – getting a good match between the things we need to enjoy to be successful at our jobs, and the things applicants actually do enjoy.  And because this is an on-line questionnaire we get to see what people are really like – not what they say in an interview to try and get the job.

Not that people intentionally lie – but if you have never done a job before, you have genuinely no idea if it will be something you will like and be great at.

We have game changing technology how can it help you ?

Going beyond recruitment, at Be Astute we can use this game changing technology to help our clients to:

  • Create great succession plans

  • Understand their training needs better

  • Develop great retention and engagement strategies

  • Understand and influence their company culture

  • Reduce conflict and stress levels

  • Understand how to get the best out of key staff

Don’t believe us when we say this is great stuff? 


Watch the video and see what our client’s have to say:

Want to try for yourself?  Book a chat here to find out more: 


Want to raise your game ? 

We run a regular series of workshops giving recruiters and business owners the opportunity to improve their skills in a relaxed environment.

Our training courses can help take the fear out of making recruitment decisions’


So let’s create some recruitment heaven for you. In this one day on-line interactive training course the recruitment experts at Be Astute will take you through the stages of recruitment and help you pick up the skills and knowledge to nail it and make great recruitment decisions.

We can’t guarantee the quality of your applicants, but we can help make sure you acquire the best talent.

What will we cover?

Job Descriptions and how to write a great one
Interviewing skills
How best to assess knowledge, skills, behaviour and attitude
Getting a great cultural fit
How to find those people you will love managing

Each participant will be assessed using the state-of-the-art psychometric tool Harrison Assessments to support our training delivery.
A whole day’s on-line training
30 minute 1-1 de-brief and follow up session

It is a 6 hour training (10am – 4pm), targeted to your needs.

We know this is a great investment because getting this right is essential to build great teams that will drive your business forward.

When & Where ?

Dates : TBC

10:00am-4:00pm GMT - Zoom

Get in touch to find out when we are next running this course.



Finding it tough to tell subordinates how to improve performance?

Want to deliver robust feedback with compassion?

We all know people love to hear how well they are performing but what about when it’s bad news. Easy, just tell them. Lay it on the line.

Easier said than done right? Wrong.

What will we cover?

If you’re struggling to have those difficult conversations with those people who are not pulling with the team, you’re not alone.

Everyone has struggled with nailing difficult conversations at some point. It is something we all need to learn how to handle if we are to become successful managers and leaders.

Psychology, behaviours and values, both yours and your employees are all at play, as well as the job measurements that you have in place to measure each individual’s performance.

That’s why our ‘Nailing Difficult Conversations’ training is delivered from the perspectives of HR, Management and Mindset, as well as using state of the art psychometric diagnostics to inform and tailor the content to your needs.

Delivered by Business Revolutionaries Be Astute and Mindset Revolutionaries Ascend Performance Coaching, we aim to deliver the best targeted training for every individual.

Unlike generic training that can never be relevant to everyone, we use state of the art talent diagnostics to get to know you better, so we can deliver training that is specific to your challenges and helps you devise the best individual plan for you to be clear, confident and capable to manage those challenging situations.

Where & When ?

Dates : TBC

10:00 – 13:00 BST - Zoom

Get in touch to find out when we are next running this course.